Buying Not Bread
Sunday, September 27, 2009 at 07:02PM
[Pat Kashtock] in "time management", "why spend your money on that which is not bread?", Conversations, adhd, adults with attention deficit disorder, god's way

Dogwood in sand

Well I still did not get down here first thing. I started cleaning the stove.

-- You're distracting --

oh. I guess I don't really want to write.


-- Patty. You don't think you do, but you enjoy it once you get going. Think --


Yes, I was up late working on a blog entry. It takes so long. How do people like Sarah Hey, do it?


-- You’ll get faster as you write more. --


Then I started to go through these piles of papers. I see time slipping away and I am so disgusted with myself.


-- Don't be. You'll get there.

You are, under line that twice, are making progress.

It takes time AND focus. Time alone won't do it.

Continuing to stay focused on the goal ahead, will. --


I started thinking about the website. Mike is out this evening. I can work on it and that excites me. Then I realized I'd better not touch the Internet until I've got the daily stuff. And maybe some cleaning done.


Or maybe not.


Chores wait, neighbor's needs have piled up. If I could just vacuum and put away the way the last bit of the mess! But I want to write even if it's only to post.


-- Use your desire to motivate you through your "chores."--


Like my grandmother?


-- Yes. --


You provided a good example for me. Thank You.

Work towards pleasure, even if the pleasure is actually a form of work. That would help. It would be nice to work towards something I love to do instead of work towards more chores.


One thing, I finally begin to see time really does keep moving. If I fritter away an hour and a half, it is gone...

Yet I can't be a machine.


I am constantly in danger of spending myself on not-bread.


Article originally appeared on Conversations with God while walking through life, surviving a child's cancer, fighting slavery, death of a child (
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