About Me

  Patricia Hammell Kashtock

Aka: Pat Kashtock. Mother of three, wife of one. BA in Social Work and Biblical Studies. Graduate work at Virginia Tech interrupted, then derailed by oldest child’s brain tumor...

My life has not followed the course I planned. But I am not complaining. Pain is to be expected in a world broken apart from its Creator.

The miracle resides in the ability to find joy when least expected...


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For What It's Worth

Each life is a journey. The voices of many guides try to direct us, saying, “This is the path – walk in it!” Yet each one leads in a different direction.

I believe only one Voice can be true. That Voice will lead us in ways most unexpected, into worlds yet undiscovered. It will lead us up the hill, around the river and through the forest. And sometimes, it will lead without mercy.

Or so it seems.

I have made listening for that Voice and following it, my life’s quest. I will share some of what I have heard that Voice say with you. But I am not in the business of telling people how to think or what to believe. Each has to decide for himself. Only you can decide if you find the truth of the Voice in these words. And only you can decide how much it is worth to know the Voice, and follow.

But for me, it is worth the whole world.

And then some…

Technorati Ping
For some reason, I cannot load GIFs of this size into the picture gallery any longer, so I am loading them into an HTML page and it seems to work. These are all GIFs, and not videos.

Chewie Mad Deer (Animated-GIF) Burping Doe -- how rude

Sparrow Looking Looking Looking Jan 25, 2010 Animated

Sparrow Looking, Looking. Funny -- this was five days before a major snow storm at the end of January. The grass was green and robins abounded. Perhaps the sparrow knew something the rest of us didn't.


Sneaky Quaker. He knew he was being bad, lol!

Naughty Quaker Parrot (animated-GIF)

No way did our little stinker belong over here. And he knew it, too. But still he stayed long enough for me to fire off a series of shots. Camera shots of course.

Winter Starling Mouths Off (Animated)

Okay. I've always felt sympathetic towards starlings. They get such bad press. But this day, I began to understand why,

Dancing Moon for Mahnaz (animated-GIF)

I put this dancing moon together for a friend, Mahnaz, whose name means moon. Beautiful name for a beautiful woman.

Coralie Squirmmy Baby (Animated GIF)

Squirmy baby -- and boy is she ever!

For more obnoxious rendering -- see below

Cora-Jet-Propelled (Animated GIF)

Coralora Jet-Propelled

Oh the joys of having a gassy baby!

A Healthy Chica just ten months ago (animated gif)

Chica a few months before she got sick

Quaker Pops (animated .gif advertising a new cereal)

Quaker Pops (animated .gif advertising a new cereal)


Now where'd that pesky mouse go? (Animated GIF)

Now Where'd that Pesky Mouse Go?

 Animation of the munching mooch cat (my neighbor's name for his cat).

Bluejay on a log in our back yard          


Deer wagging her tail on our patio. I stood on the other side of the glass door and took this.



Shore line at the L's Rivah House. Takes a while to load before it moves quickly enough