The Real Terminator

Life is a force that takes no prisoners. A terminator, if allowed full sway.
Rarely can a person grapple with life and come away unscathed. It will leave many of us to deal with heartache that is persistent and pervasive.
Still, it is possible to know joy, even with a broken heart.
Recently my Aunt handed me a black and white composition book that contained some of my mother’s writings. Its contents startled me. The mother I barely knew had nurtured a goal similar to mine.
“ Forward : to all who read this book I wish it to be known that what I say is true. One night during my stay in the hospital, I was awakened and had the thought that I must write a book so that I can help others. I believe strongly that God put this thought in my head, just as I believe that without His love and guidance this book could not be written.”
But her illness would take more out of her than she ever imagined, and her strength slipped quickly away.
She did not live long enough to write her book
– for cancer is a despoiler and a thief.
It stole her away without compassion.