Dignity and Honor

I hear
-- Write --
I ask, "What should I write?"
-- What I tell you --
but in the interest of "testing" who is speaking, I sit here and bask. I feel like opening "John". As I do I hear -- 14:1 -- which says:
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me... I will come back and take you to be with Me so that you also may be where I am. You know the place to where I am going (for)... I am the way , the truth , and the life."
-- And you know Me, Pat.
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. --
I feel tense and conflicted. Help me not to make "rules" for You like: "Oh well, of course He wouldn't speak to me in the state I'm in -- I'm too riddled with yuck. Why would He want to get near?"
oh well... please talk to me anyway if that is what You wish. I wait, Lord. Let nothing else intervene, not even me.
Lord? So what do I write?
-- What I tell you. --
what would that be?
-- Love Me. Love My children. My poor, poor children.
Love them -- they need so much.
Just love them. --
but how? What does that mean?
-- Treat them with dignity.
Give each one dignity and honor. My honor. I honor each.
Treat each with honor as if I were in them -- for I am, when they are Mine.
I "feel" how you treat Me.
Treat Me with love and treat Me with honor
- no matter what the human part of them does to you.
Speak to Me in them. --
oh God. Give me grace. You know I cannot do this on my own, in my flesh.
-- That is the point. --
but I don't exactly know how to let You love through me...
-- Come to Me often. Come to Me frequently.
I will not leave you abandoned. I will "love" you.
Oh, if only you knew! For I am light and I am life. --
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