Writer’s Chop Block and Tackle

Writing. Sigh.
One writer advised a group of elementary students, Make sure you love to write if you want to be a writer.”
I do not want to “be” a writer with all that filler that finds its way into the job description. And I do not love to write, either. Yet I feel compelled to. Well, I write in my journal without stress, but?
- Pat. You love to write. You just don’t realize, haven’t realized it. It is what you were created to do. Yes, one of the things, but a big thing. Your enemy is discouragement, not the writing. You fear not being good enough, yet you feel other’s expectations of greatness weighing you down. Like a crossbeam.
The writing is not the crossbeam. The way you handle other’s expectations is. That is your instrument of death. And it is the wrong instrument and the wrong death.
My burdens are light. When I told you to take up your cross and follow Me, yes, I was telling you to carry the instrument for your “death.” That speaks to a death to one’s own preferences when they conflict with the need to bring good into the world. By taking up the cross and marching to Golgotha, I put aside My desire for sleep, wholeness, food, water, companionship, even the presence of God, the Father. The desire to avoid pain.
Put Me in your site. Zero in. Yes, it is hard, but I have gone that way before.
And yes, think of it as obedience. For now. But do remember, I “endured the cross for the joy set before” Me.
So lay down other’s expectations of “greatness.” That is what holds you hostage. The terror of failure if you try to fulfill those has crippled you. Throw that crossbeam off. Throw it! It does not matter if you do not succeed in the way they hoped. You cannot disappoint your father now, you know. He’ll hardly think less of you for not creating a blockbuster bestseller.
Ha! Got you to smile. You know that is ridiculous. You are afraid of not even getting published.
Will you let me take care of that?
I am the God of the impossible. Just ask Me. When you’ve gotten it finished.
Yes, I will help you.
Go in peace today and try not to worry so much about hell and your place in things. I will guide you. The isolation is just for a time. I will show you how, when, and the way to reach out.
Writing is a part of that. Deep down you know that. You are just afraid of the discipline it takes. –
And then I see Matthew 11:27. “My Father has entrusted everything to Me.”
*Chop Block
"Simply put, a chop block occurs when an offensive player drops down and hits the opposing player below the knees. Because this is a dangerous play which can cause career ending injuries, chop blocks are illegal."
Source: FF Toolbox