
Please feel free to share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you.

Patricia Hammell Kashtock
Aka: Pat Kashtock. Mother of three, wife of one. BA in Social Work and Biblical Studies. Graduate work at Virginia Tech interrupted, then derailed by oldest child’s brain tumor...
My life has not followed the course I planned. But I am not complaining. Pain is to be expected in a world broken apart from its Creator.
The miracle resides in the ability to find joy when least expected...
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Each life is a journey. The voices of many guides try to direct us, saying, “This is the path – walk in it!” Yet each one leads in a different direction.
I believe only one Voice can be true. That Voice will lead us in ways most unexpected, into worlds yet undiscovered. It will lead us up the hill, around the river and through the forest. And sometimes, it will lead without mercy.
Or so it seems.
I have made listening for that Voice and following it, my life’s quest. I will share some of what I have heard that Voice say with you. But I am not in the business of telling people how to think or what to believe. Each has to decide for himself. Only you can decide if you find the truth of the Voice in these words. And only you can decide how much it is worth to know the Voice, and follow.
But for me, it is worth the whole world.
And then some…
Please feel free to share your thoughts. I would love to hear from you.
Reader Comments (4)
"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he" a verse of scripture in the Proverbs. God keeps putting scripture and other people's words before me to remind me how important my thought life is. God also reminds me to think on things that are good, true, noble, and worthy.
You know, Marlene? The studies I have read about state that it appears the way we think really does affect how we feel. The quote you mentioned is a wonderful way to get good thoughts going through our minds, without trying to stuff down the rough things that happen. I think when we focus on the good, we are better able to process the not so good when it comes along.
And in the venue of human relationships, very often giving someone the benefit of the doubt is the best thing we can do. So often things are not meant as negatively as they might sound to us.
I just ordered a series of dvd's from the program Life Today by 3 different authors about how the importance of what we put into our minds. I will share what I learn after I receive them. Have you heard of the program Life Today with the Robinson's. I can't think of their first names at the moment.
Hey Marlene -- I haven't heard of them -- but it sounds very interesting. The "set your mind on" scripture has been one that I have tried to implement in my life consistently.
I don't subscribe to pretending things away. Don't think pretense is honest.Yet, dwelling on the bad, always assuming the worst, even rehearsing the worst. We can so affect how we feel by that sort of rehearsing, that the imaginary bad thing that never happen, still has the power to damage.
I have been working on this with a neighbor. It is very sad to see how much negative thinking permeates every aspect of her life.
Wanted to explain that the sort of negative thinking/speech I am talking about is not really founded on truth. It has not happened, it may never happen, yet we can act and feel as if it did. Just don't want to do that.