Story about John and Elizabeth Edwards

RALEIGH, North Carolina (AP) --
Two weeks after a devastating revelation sent her husband into political exile, Elizabeth Edwards isn't getting the steady sympathy usually afforded to a woman scorned.
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Amazing that it is the liberal blogs that want to tear her apart. So much for compassion. And forgiveness. If someone knows they have done wrong -- and an affair under any circumstances, by any measure, is wrong -- they stop doing it and seek to make it right, then we need to extend forgiveness. Under the circumstances, John Edwards affair is somewhat creepy and certainly frightening, but it is not unforgivable.
Elizabeth and John have a 16 yr old son who died, she has cancer, and he had an affair. Cheating on a spouse is wrong no matter what, but sometimes people do lousy things under severe stress they may not have done otherwise.
He ended the affair and sought to make it right with his wife. She decided to work towards forgiving him. Why does this disqualify him politically? No one can claim perfection. We venerate people like John F Kennedy who are believed to have had multiple affairs with no apparent remorse, yet we want to demonize John Edwards for an affair he ended. Worse — we want to demonize his wife for forgiving him.
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