Save the Date: - DC Stop Modern Slavery Walk Saturday, October 22, 2010

On October 23, Polaris Project, the DC Stop Modern Slavery community group, and several other non-profit organizations will join together for the 2010 Stop Modern Slavery Walk. Click on the videos below to watch highlights from last year and get directions on how to register for the walk.What: 2010 Stop Modern Slavery Walk
Where: National Mall - Constitution Gardens (Constitution Avenue NW and 19th St NW, Washington, DC)
When: Saturday, October 23, 2010 (9:00 am- 2:00 pm)
Details: Click here to register.Last year hundreds of anti-trafficking activists came together for the Stop Child Trafficking Now Walk at Meridian Hill Park. We hope that you and your friends can join us this year for the 2010 Stop Modern Slavery walk on the National Mall. Join the Polaris Project team and bring a friend along too!