Child Rescued on the Eve of Rape Initiation

From The International Justice Missions:
MUMBAI - On the night she was supposed to be raped for the first time, young sex trafficking victim Lona*was plucked from the brink of initiation into a life of forced prostitution by police officials working with International Justice Mission in Mumbai.
Police rescued the child from the exploitative grip of a Mumbai husband-and-wife couple who
This is not the girl in this story, but from a video I will post. IJM contacted me concerned because "Indian law forbids the publication of images of victims of sex crimes without their expressed consent." It woiuld not be right to give the impression IJM photographed a victim without her consent. had allegedly purchased Lona from a relative in West Bengal for a paltry 1500 rupees—less than $35 US. They intended to exploit the girl’s virginity for a sum of 30,000 rupees, and then sell her to a dance bar or brothel
The girl was only thirteen years old, her age confirmed through an age verification test at a local hospital. She has been placed in an after care with other young girls who came from similar situations.