Polaris Project Matching Funds

A newsletter from the Polaris Project:
I’d like to introduce you to Antonio.
Antonio was approached by a man in his home country who promised him steady work on a farm in the United States, a place to live, and a work visa. Antonio jumped at the chance and arrived in the United States with hopes of making enough money to send back home to his ill parents.
When Antonio arrived he realized that the man who had recruited him to the United States had lied. His accommodations were in a run down, decrepit building. He was forced to regularly work 18-hour days, and was not allowed to take breaks. One day Antonio couldn’t take it any longer. He was exhausted and took a break. He was subsequently beaten and denied food and water by his controller.
Antonio was able to call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline where a call specialist connected him to a local service provider, legal aid, and hope for the future. Please donate today to help us continue to serve trafficking survivors like Antonio.
Our call specialists can help Antonio, and thousands of other victims like him, find assistance and support throughout the country. We have helped build a national network to fight human trafficking that today consists of local and federal law enforcement, shelter programs, social service providers, anti-trafficking organizations, task forces, pro bono attorneys, and others to build a coordinated response to human trafficking.
The trafficking hotline is the single most effective national resource to identify victims of trafficking and ensure they get support. Will you donate today to help us ensure that there is a live person available 24 hours day, 7 days a week to answer calls from potential trafficking victims like Antonio?
Thank you for your support,