Rescue from the Kilns

273 people. 273 slaves. 273 men, women, and children who had been robbed of their lives were forced to do hard labor every day for up to 17 or 20 hours, seven days a week. Never allowed a break. Never allowed to leave.
273 people were freed Monday evening as we sat in the
training session of IJM's advocacy summit through the desperation of one official from Chennai, India when she learned of their entrapment. Originally she understood there to be 32 workers enslaved and reached out to IJM to help free them. When they went in, they found two brick kilns owned by the same remorseless man, and not 32, but 273 slaves begging to be set free.
Please tell me: how can we turn deaf ears to the millions of people in the same straights?
Tell me.....I want to know.