Squirrels and ADHA Living

Yikes! My memory is so bad!
-- Turning on too much -
oh. not a restful focused mind.
-- No. Not!
Flitter, flitter.
Like that squirrel. -
I see a large squirrel bound from branch to branch, barely in one place for a second.
Wait. There is a smaller squirrel following him. She's much slower, more hesitant. Oh dear. She stops to eat (very funny!) Now she's cleaning her fur. Oh, fuss. She gets totally distracted and turns the other way.
Some time later, I do see the two of them together...
You said before that You do not force us to do Your will because:
-- That would be rape. --
But sometimes I think it would be so much easier if You just did!
-- I don't treat My creatures like that! --
Several days and many distractions I sit again at the picnic table in the woods behind our house:
Groan. So often when I get into a deep conversation with You, I feel like I have to get my pen and I don't want to! I just want to sink into the moment.
-- That time will come, Little One,
In "eternity"
Sooner than you think.
But for now, let's do it this way. -
That last sentence sure had a "period" to it!
Hmmm... there goes my squirrel again.
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