Robin On Guard

I do love you: you are Mine!
Don't parents love the children that are their own?
And you are Mine!
You tend to doubt that. You think it comes and goes, depending on yourself- you depend too much on yourself. –
I know I'm supposed to "lean" on You, but oh Lord, in practical terms I don't know how. Please show me how?
– You think that you have to be dependable, for yourself, for everyone else –
– the whole world on your shoulders.
Poor shoulders, Little One. Too much weight. Too little strength.
I love you too much to do that to you.
See the robin in the leaves? –
But he's so alert, on guard.
– And he doesn't get anywhere, does he? –
no. But he has to eat. If he wasn't on guard he'd probably be eaten.
– Trust, Child. You need to learn to trust. Are you afraid of being eaten? –
Yes. I guess so.
– By whom? –
– But even he is under My control. –
Lord? I have trouble with that. Scripture seems to say to be on guard for the enemy seeks to devour and destroy.
– Read it again, in context.–
Okay. Here it is in James 4: "Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil and he will flee... Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands and purify your heart. Humble yourself before God and He will lift you up."
– Where is the emphases? –
on You, Lord. On looking to You and then You lift us up.
– Keep going. –
I Peter 5:6 "Humble yourself under God's mighty hand so that He may" (uh, Lord? that sounds qualified?) "lift you up in due time. Cast all of your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Be self controlled and alert..."
(uh, Lord?)
– Keep reading. –
"Your enemy, the devil like a roaring lion prowls about wanting and waiting to devour you. Resist him. Stand firm."
– (See? That is not an on edge - watchful - anxious alertness. It is standing in response to a direct attack. It is not watching and waiting for the attack.) –
"...because you know that all fellow believers are undergoing the same kinds of suffering. And the God of all grace who called you...
– (You did not call yourself to Me. I called you!) –
" His eternal glory in Christ."
Not to blight and uselessness,but to glory.
Glorious. I have told you that you are Glorious to Me,
but you doubt it and that stabs My heart.
Yes, I understand why it is so,but you need to look to Me.
I will write your faith walkand I will bring it to completion. –
"His eternal glory in Christ."
– Your "glory" is in Christ –it is in Me... that means it is in Me.
You are in Meand I cannot separate you from Myself
And neither do I want to, oh "faith"-less one.
You are in Me, part of Me, eternally – forever.
I will not cut you off from Myself.
And, yes, I know you don't like those "sappy love letters" that you read sometimes in other's writings. To each is given his own. That is why I don't speak to you like that. You wouldn't like it, and it does not sound true to you. –
"After you have suffered a little while, He will Himself restore you and make you strong."
– Who restores you, Child? –
You do, Lord.
– Who makes you strong? –
You do.
– Do you make you strong? –
– Can you? –
– So relax. Please. You worry too much. –
but how do I get these things done? How do I get my physical life in order?
– Do you want to? –
oh, please! It gets to me! But I don't want it to take away from You. I need You. And I need to know what to do for (the mom). Soon! Help!
– How do you feel right now? –
anxious. tense.
– Do you think that pleases Me? –
– No, Child. That was not meant to be belittling. I have gifted you with a fine mind and with compassionand I will use those gifts
but they must be directed and empowered by Me. It is not you driving them.
I am not a slave driver.
When it needs be that you must over extend yourself,then I will direct you.
Stop driving yourself.
Shepherds do not drive lambs over craggy rocks! They lead them -- tenderly.
And I will lead you,tenderly, Child. Please rest. Come into My arms. Do not fear.
I am here with you and I control the situation-- it is in My hands.
Yes, watch and pray,
but My arms
...and watch the deliverance I have planned for you. –