God Is My Warden…forget the co-pilot part

I can't believe that after years of being so regular with the morning oh at least an hour quiet time, I let it fall apart.
--- It needed to for a while. It had become a joyless habit and that is not what I want from you. It means nothing to me that way. Besides -- your mind kept going elsewhere too frequently. That's what happens when something becomes a legalism -- the heart goes out of it. I want your heart, yes, even with the Western understanding of that.
And yes, you did need to see that others can and do function without taking all that time. I never left you, did I? ---
To my amazement, You didn't.
--- I won't. Not ever. You cannot make me go away. I'm here to stay.
Like a little nag at your side. ---
Uh, Lord?
--- [Grin]. You need one, you know. You aren't very good at it. ---
Like a parent?
... Or warden?
--- Both. Of course. --- [More grin]
I'm chuckling. And I'm relieved.
Someone staying on me sounds like hope.
But You can't be a nag in the dictionary sense...
(someone who
- annoys by continual scolding, faultfinding, complaining, urging, etc.
- continually troubles, fusses at, etc.
--- Don't be so sure about that. ---
Well, I don't see you as fault finding and complaining.
--- Actually, I am very good at finding the faults and putting my finger on them. ---
Oh -- like Teutonic plates. Putting pressure on them to keep to keep things from getting out of sync.
--- Something like that.
The difference is that I can bring real change, and it is change you desire. This truly is for your sake, unlike human "nagging" which is often for the nagger's sake and fueled by bitterness. ---
I looked up warden. Interesting. I tend to think prison guard, but that is only one meaning. A warden is a keeper -- a person charged with custody of people animals or things. Public servants superintending parks, wildlife, Burroughs, colleges. A gatekeeper.
I need all of those, minus the jailer. I didn't use those words this morning, but essentially I ask you to gate-keep my time today.
E-mails make me crazy. One thing leads to another.
--- You don't have to read them all. Things will go forward without you. I will tell you when to take action. Yes -- "mind the checks." Please.
And speaking of minding checks... ---
Suddenly, I see the keyboard in front of me. Time to practice. But I haven't read yet.
--- So read. ---
So I opened to Matthew 10:42. "And even if you give a cup of cold water to the least of these..."
(I promptly went off on a thinking tangent about Louisiana, and my time there. But that story is for another day. Suffice it to say, I should have minded the check)