The Weekend to End Slavery - Nov 14-15, 2009/ Extended

This has been extended for as long as you need. Not just for the 14 - 15th. The only difference is instead of watching the webcast live, you would download it. I'm glad because this gives more flexibility. Especially now when a number of people seem to be getting sick.
A side note -- my kit came, and it is very nice. Of the $15.00 total cost, $4.95 was straight postage (no handling). My guess is that IJM is sending them either at or below cost.
A practicle way to help fight slavery, today. Please consider it. The cost is minimal -- two movies and house party kits for $15.00 USA
From the International Justice Missions:
"At the End of Slavery" contains undercover footage and first-person testimony from for mer slaves and respected experts expose the enormity of the crime — but a remarkable strategy and the courage of today's abolitionists offer hope for a final end to this brutal trade.
Shot on location in the Philippines, India, Cambodia and the U.S., At the End of Slavery takes you to the frontlines of today's battle for justice and includes true stories of former slaves and undercover footage from police operations to rescue children from brothels. International Justice Mission's investigators, lawyers and social
workers and their clients, along with other leading abolitionists and anti-trafficking experts, show that there is nothing inevitable about slavery. Law enforcement success in finding and rescuing victims, and prosecuting perpetrators, demonstrates the real possibility of an end to this trade."
The Weekend to End Slavery will be two days of united effort across the United States to educate communities about slavery and mobilize the movement to end this abuse in our lifetime.
During the Weekend to End Slavery, November 14 and 15, people around the country will learn about modern-day slavery, teach others about this injustice, share the message of hope that change is possible, and advocate with members of Congress to use their power to bring slavery to an end.
The movement will continue beyond November 14 — you can help build lasting momentum by hosting your event after this date as well. Gary Haugen's live Webcast will be available for download after the weekend.
Saturday, November 14: Individuals, families, churches, students and community groups across the country will host house parties on Saturday evening to share At the End of Slavery and begin the discussion of how we can come together to end slavery. Host an event!
That evening, IJM President and CEO Gary Haugen will address those gathered at house parties across the nation via live Webcast at 8:00pm EST. The webcast will be available for download on after the live webcast is over. (Details on how to view this live Webcast to be announced on the At the End of Slavery news/updates page).
Get your House Party kit and start planning your own event today!
Sunday, November 15: Churches across the country will share the message of biblical justice and engage people of faith in the struggle to seek justice and rescue the oppressed.
View more resources for churches and learn how to involve yours in the Weekend to End Slavery.
You can host a screening at any time! The Weekend to End Slavery offers the opportunity to join with thousands others across the U.S. to propel the justice movement forward in a unified effort.
But growing the movement is extremely valuable at any time, so if you can't host your At the End of Slavery house party this weekend, please host another time! Those who host their parties in advance of November 14 can encourage guests to host their own screenings on November 14 as one of their first action steps.