Cross Markings

Betsey made five cross markings on my forehead and asked if I knew what they meant. I thought perhaps something like I wasn't trying hard enough, or carrying my "cross" very well. She said no, each mark stood for a member of my family, and symbolically for all those I care about. Then she said, "This is what the Lord would say to you..." I thought it would be a rebuke.
-- You carry everybody
but I carry you.
It is not wrong that you carry everybody,
for I, with My own hand and very deliberately
have set each one on your heart.
But I have said to you that My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
Each mark of the cross upon you
is a sign of where the weight of each life is to hang,
and that is on Me.
I desire to show you how to live reclined on Me,
the cross no longer an instrument of torture,
but the everlasting arms beneath you.
Can you just fall back on Me?
It is only a little while--
then no more gravity.
But for now, stay with Me.–
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