Be a Child

The most precious place in all existence to be when it’s “Just the 2 of us” – You and each of us. I know that it is for me.
But. ooohhhh. That can be a rocky road!
You sound content.
but that is what some writers say, that “God is always content because He’s infinitely in control.”
You “snort!"
— Yes I do! Forget "the writers"!
but sometimes I forget, sort of.
— You fear, you mean,
that somehow I am “detached,” above it all.
I am not “above it all”
I’m in it all, right in the thick of things, in the middle,
down in the “nitty-gritty.”
Oh, dear! You smile!
and I can feel myself crawl into Your lap and curl up there, content like a child.
— Yes, Child. My child. This is where I want you for now.
There will be more: but for now, rest in Me. Let Me hold you.
And you will be content, and I will be content
for now, for a while.
And then you will grow up in Me and that will be different, powerful.
Yes, you will like it,
but for now, just for now
Reader Comments (4)
Hey!! Thank you for your link. Love your pic on the sidebar. :) I am getting ready to read and I'll add you to my blogs I read too.
Thanks, Katie. I'd love to hear your thoughts on some of the entries.
A child....yes, that is the relationship I long for with Abba Father. I get there, and then suddenly I find that I have crawled off of His lap and headed off on my own--usually with some "important" thing to do. But I am only truly content when on His lap, my head on His chest where I can hear His heartbeat.
Hey Beverly -- Child is so often what I hear Him call me. It's comical because well, I really don't want to be a child... especially a child that gets her hands smacked occasionally (grin). You know how that can be.
Then there are those times when I feel so helpless and small, that I want to be held in arms far bigger and stronger than my own.
But -- as soon as "it's all better" I tend to be off and running again. I think that is likely the time I get my hands smacked, heheh. Thankfully, in spite of how I act, He never leaves.